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Objednávacie číslo: 1.603.340.031

SDS clic Quick-Locking Nut M14

  • The SDS clic Quick-Locking Nut M14 is a quick-release nut for easy fastening and loosening of angle grinder accessories
  • For use with grinding heads, diamond cutting discs and grinding discs
  • Appropriate for use with all angle grinders that have a M14 thread and are manufactured in or after 08/90
  • With 22.23 mm bore for standard locking nut angle grinders.
  • With 22.23 mm bore for concrete grinders and angle grinders with locking nut.
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Price without VAT
€23,58 bez DPH
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Price without VAT
€23,58 bez DPH

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Hrúbka mm
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Popis produktu

The SDS clic Quick-Locking Nut M14 is a quick-release nut for easy and fast fastening and loosening of a wide range of angle grinder accessories, such as grinding heads, diamond cutting discs and grinding discs. It is appropriate for use with all angle grinders that have a M14 thread and are manufactured in or after 08/90. The disc must be centred at the supporting flange and not at the nut.


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