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Objednávacie číslo: 2.608.579.916

11-piece hammer drill bit and chisel set SDS plus-3, 5 -12 mm

  • SDS plus-3 Drill Bit offers durability while drilling concrete
  • Fits all SDS plus rotary hammer drills
  • High-alloy steel produced with optimised hardening technology to withstand wear
  • Indented cutting edges made from a Bosch-controlled carbide blend provide additional resistance
  • PGM guarantee in compliance with tight tolerances, exactly drilled holes and firm hold of fixings
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Price without VAT
€61,79 bez DPH
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Price without VAT
€61,79 bez DPH


Nakúp akékoľvek profesionálne (modré) náradie za min. 140 EUR a získaj pracovnú tašku za 1 EUR. Viac tu.


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Predĺžená 3-ročná záruka platí pre profesionálne modré elektrické náradie a meracie prístroje Bosch. Viac tu.

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Popis produktu

The SDS plus-3 Drill Bit offers durability when drilling in concrete. To prevent heat development, the 4-flute dura design provides effective dust removal for increased endurance. It is made of high-alloy steel, which is produced with an optimised hardening technology to withstand wear. For additional resistance, indented cutting edges are made from an ideal Bosch-controlled carbide blend.

The bit is intended for work on concrete and masonry and is to be used with rotary hammers with SDS plus holders.

As proof of quality, the drill bit bears the test mark of the PGM Masonry Drill Bit Association Board, guaranteeing compliance with tight tolerances, exact drilling and the firm hold of fixings.

Technické špecifikácie

Definícia triedy výkonu LEGACY

Spôsob použitia


Concrete building block

Hard stone

Lime and sand bricks


Solid brick


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