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Objednávacie číslo: 2.608.661.758

ACZ 85 EIB Blade for Multi-Tools

  • Titanium-coated Starlock ACZ 85 EIB blade has an extra 30% longer life than uncoated BIM blades
  • TiN-coated tooth strip is very heat- and wear-resistant, providing extra-long performance
  • Bosch’s patented circular welding technology creates tough freestanding teeth, preventing jams and increasing usage
  • Starlock mount for optimum power transfer and convenient blade change within 3 seconds.
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Price without VAT
€26,50 bez DPH
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Price without VAT
€26,50 bez DPH

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Nakúp akékoľvek profesionálne (modré) náradie za min. 140 EUR a získaj pracovnú tašku za 1 EUR. Viac tu.


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Predĺžená 3-ročná záruka platí pre profesionálne modré elektrické náradie a meracie prístroje Bosch. Viac tu.

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Priemer mm
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Popis produktu

The titanium-coated Starlock ACZ 85 EIB blade has an extra 30% longer lifetime than uncoated BIM (bi-metal) blades. Its TiN (titanium-nitride) coated tooth strip is very heat- and wear-resistant, ensuring extra-long performance. Bosch's patented circular welding technology creates tough freestanding teeth, preventing jams and burn marks and allowing for extended usage. Use for plunge cutting in plasterboard, cement-bonded fibre boards, wood, non-hardened metal, small mouldings, fibreglass and epoxy-reinforced plastic.

The pointed segment saw blade ends enable cutting right into tight corners. The Starlock Snap-In mounting system allows fast blade removal and exchange within 3 seconds without having to touch the blade. The mounting system produces the highest power transfer thanks to a 3-dimensional tight-fitting connection between machine and accessory.

Spôsob použitia

Drywall board

Metal sandwich


Solid Laminate Vinyl, PVC


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