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Objednávacie číslo: 2.608.640.503

Pílový kotúč Multi Material (1,0 ks)

  • Multi Material Circular Saw Blade delivers long-lasting clean cuts in a wide range of materials
  • Otvor na použitie s redukčnými krúžkami alebo bez nich pre rôzne veľkosti
  • Adheres to Bosch's manufacturing standards for consistent performance and long blade lifetime
  • Expansion slots reduce vibration during use, which dampens noise and reduces overheating
  • Well-ground teeth and optimised tooth geometry ideal for many materials; reduced chip clogging in aluminium
Bežná cena
Price without VAT
€34,17 bez DPH
Bežná cena
Price without VAT
€34,17 bez DPH

Na sklade

Do 30.9. získaš ku každému nákupu nad 150€ pracovnú tašku na náradie za 1€. Viac tu.


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Predĺžená 3-ročná záruka platí pre profesionálne modré elektrické náradie a meracie prístroje Bosch. Viac tu.

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Šírka rezu [mm]
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Popis produktu

The Multi Material Circular Saw Blade delivers long-lasting clean cuts in a wide range of materials. Its high-quality, precision-ground carbide teeth make the blade robust enough for powerful cuts in various materials. This blade adheres to Bosch's manufacturing standards that ensure dimensionally stable, hardened steel bodies, with high-quality carbide tips, delivering a long blade lifetime. Its expansion slots reduce vibration during use, which dampens noise and reduces overheating.

The blade fits all common handheld circular saws.

The blade's well-ground teeth as well as its optimised tooth geometry are ideal for cuts in the widest range of materials, while notably reducing chip clogging when working in aluminium.

Technické špecifikácie

Definícia triedy výkonu LEGACY

Spôsob použitia

Dosky potiahnuté plastom




Hliníkový kompozitný panel


Masívne drevo

Neželezné kovy

Neželezné kovy




Sadrokartón so strednou hustotou

Tvrdé drevo

Tvrdé drevo

Vysokotlakový laminát HPL


Na stiahnutie